A (not comprehensive) list of national and international funding awards for STEM.


Barry Goldwater Scholarship - US

NOAA Hollings Scholarship - US

Udall Undergraduate Scholarship - US


AAAS Entry Point! Internships for Students with Disabilities - US

DOE Science Graduate Student Research Program - US

ESIP Raskin Scholarship - Anywhere

Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship - US

GEM Fellowship for Underrepresented Groups - US

Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship - North America

Graduate Women International Fellowship - UK

Hertz Fellowship - 40 universities in the US

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program - US


L’Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowship - US

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship - Europe

Mendenhall Fellowship - US

Early Career

AAAS Science Technology Policy Fellowship - US

Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Au


AAAS Leshner Leadership Fellowship - US

Flexible Time Frame/Multiple Levels

AAAS Mass Media Fellowship - US

Center for Collaborative Conservation Fellowship - Anywhere

Climate Adaptation Science Centers Fellowships - US Centers

DoD SMART Scholarship Program - US

Fullbright Scholar Opportunities - Anywhere